Hii friendsπŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹...
In our previous post,we have discussed some important points of organizational behavior.And we are going to explain some other important points related to organizational behavior.

Let us know start talking about one of the most important topic of organizational behavior i.e.,MODELS OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR



There are four major models or frameworks that organizations operate out of:

1.Autocratic Models
2.Custodial Models
3.Supportive Models
4.Collegial Models


Lets talk about each of them in brief:



Autocratic model is just like theory x developed by Mc Gregor.It depends upon the power."MIGHT IS RIGHT" is the motto of the theory.In easy words, we can say that autocratic model that depends upon strength,power and formal authority.The employees have to follow their boss otherwise they would be penalized.
Autocratic Theory is based on the assumptions that only management knows what is wrong and what is right and employees have to follow orders without any arguments and questions.



The custodial model mainly focuses on the financial reward aspects of being employed by the organization.The basis of this model is economic resources with a managerial orientation of money workers being managed under the autocratic model often feel insecurity and frustation.They may show agression towards their boss and their families and neighbours.
The underpinning concept of this model is that a employees become quite dependent upon the package of wages and other benefits provided by the organization.
     As a result, they look to improve their performance for the firm in order to maintain their position and be promoted over time.According to custodial model,managers can motivate workers and improve their performance by providing financial incentives such as financial bonuses and benefits for good performance.



The collegial model is based around teamwork-everybody working as colleages (hence the name of the model).The basis of this model is partnership with a managerial orientation pf teamwork.
     The collegial model is quite effective in organizations that need to find new approaches-marketing teams,research and development.
Technology/Software-indeed anywhere the competitive landscape is constantly changing and ideas and innovation as key to competitive factors.
     The collegial model is especially useful in research laboratories and similar work station.



The supportive model has originated from the "PRINCIPLES OF SUPPORTIVE RELATIONSHIPS".
The basis of this model is leadership with a managerial orientation of support.The supportive model depends on leadership instead of power or money.
     Management,with the help of leadership try to create a favourable organizational climate in which the employees are helped to grow greater capacities and achieve things of which they have the capability in compliance with the goals of the organization.
     This model take care of the psycological needs of the employees in addition to their subsistence and security needs.It is similar to Mc. Gregor's theory and the human resources approach to people.


a).NORMATIVE MODELS: The normative models seeks to find out that what should be done to produce optimum result.
*These models are concerned with the determination of optimum actions.
*Most of the management theories are comprised of the normative models,because while preparing the plans and policies,the management is more concerned with what should be done or what should not be done by managers and the employees.

b).EMPIRICAL MODELS: While the normative models are concerned with what should be done,the empirical models describe the activities the employees actually perform.
     This model becomes an integral part of organizational behavior because OB is concerned with what is actually taking place in the organization and how do people actually behave.

c).ECOLOGICAL MODELS: No business enterprise can exist in a vacuum.It has to continuously interact with the environment.All the functions of the organization are affected by the environment as the environment supplies the inputs which are converted by the organization into outputs.Through a process of feedback output causes the emergence of new inputs.
     This interaction between the organization and environment is known as ecological interaction and this is the crux of ecological approach.Models which deal with the changes which take place in the environment and which understand the complexities of environment are ecological models.

d).NON-ECOLOGICAL MODELS:  As the name suggests this model is the opposite of ecological model.Whereas the ecological model accepts that the environment is complex and changes keep on taking place,the no-ecological models assume stability in the environment and that everything will remain the same.This model does not help in generalizing that what will happen in future.In the modern day world,when the environment factors are assuming a lot of importance,this model is not very useful.

e).IDEOGRAPHIC MODELS:  The models that are developed to deal with specific cases or unique situations are ideographic models.This model deals with situations like single nation,single organization,single group,individual,biography,historical episode etc.When the organizational behavior is concerned with micro-level analysis this model is generally used.

f).NOMOTHETIC MODELS:  These models deal with general situations.These are concerned with theory building on the macro level basis.These are concerned with generalizations,laws,hypothesis which indicates regularity of behavior and correlation between variables.These models deal with situations like cross country,cross organization,cross group,cross individual analysis of organizational system.To summaries,we can say that organizational behavior is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals,groups and structure have on behavior within an organization and then the results of the investigations are applied to make organizations work more effectively.
     Organizational behavior uses systemic studies to improve predictions of behavior that would be made from instructions of the management alone.But,because each organization is different from the other one,we have to find organizational behavior  model which will suit that particular organization.Organizational behavior offers both challenges and opportunities for the managers and it also offers guidance to the managers in creating an ethically healthy working environment.


We will be discussing the next topic i.e.,SCOPE OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR in our next post.....


  1. Nyc.. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  2. Fabulous πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  3. Replies
    1. Surely going to solve your query asap...

  4. Such a wonderful post. Thank you for sharing.Understanding Organizational behavior has become one of the most important part of the organization as it help to understand the behavior of the people in an organization.
    Importance of Organizational Behavior


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