*The word personality has been derived from tha Latin word "PERSONA" which means "the mask of different character".
*Personality identifies the role of a person in public.
*Every individual has unique,persoal and major determinants of his behaviour that defines his/her personality.

*Personality is not only related to bodily structure.It is related to both the structure and the dynamic.
*Personality is neither good nor bad.
*Personality is not a mysterious phenomenon.
*Personality is indivisible unit.
*Every personality is unique.

According to GEORDEN-
    "Personality is the dynamic organization with in the individual of those psycohysical systems that determines his unique adjustments to his environment.
    "Personality can be defined as those inner psychological chararterstics that both determines and reflect how a person resonds to his or her environment."

Personality is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psycohysical systems that determine his unique adjustment his environment.

i).Biological Factors
c).Physical Features

ii).Cultural Factors 
iii).Family and Social Factors
a).Home Environment
b).Family Members
c).Social Group

iv).Situational Factors 
v).Other Factors

The study of the biological contibution personality may be studied under three heads.
a).HERIDITY:The first biological factors of personality is heridity.Some of the similarities in man's personality are said to be due to his heridity.Every human group inherits the some general set of biological needs and capacities.these common needs and capacities exlpain some of our similarties in personality.
b).BRAIN:Brain is another biological factors which influences the personality.The psycologists and physiological have studied the structure of human brain in to two arts-LEFT HEMISPHERE and RIGHT HEMISPHERE.
Left Hemisphere-left hemisphere which lies in the right side of the body.
Right Hemisphere-right hemisphere which lies in the left side of the body.
CULTURAL FACTORS:Culture is traditional considered as the major determined of an individuals personality.
India being a Vast country with a rich diversity  of cultural background provides a good study in this.
FOR EXAMLE:We have seen that people in Gujrat are more enterprising than people from other states,punjabis are more deligent and handworking,people are Bengal are so creative and with an intellectual bend and the likes.

FAMILY AND SOCIAL FACTORS:The socio economic status of the family the number of children in the family and birth order and the background and education of the parents and extended  members of the family such as uncle,aunts influence the shaping of personality to a considerable extent.
In order to understand the effects of a family on individuals personality .We have to understand the socialization process and identification  process.

SOCIALIZATION PROCESS:-The contribution of family and social in combination with the cultural is known as socialization.
IDENTIFICATION pOCESS:-Identification starts when a erson begins to identify himself with some other members of the family.
Socialization and identification process  is influenced by home environment ,family members,social groups.
a).Home Environment:-Total home environment is a critical factor is personality develoment.
For examle-Children  with marketly institutional upbringing,home have a much greater potential to be emotionally than children raised by Parents is a warm,loving and stimulating environment.
b).Family Members:-Parents and other family members have strong influence on the strong personality develoment of the child.
SITUATIONAL FACTORS:-An individuals personality may change in different situations.The demands of different may call for different aspect of one's personality.So.we should not look at the personality factor in isolation.

TEMPARAMENT:Temparament an other non-intellectual personality trait are distributed according to the normal distribution.
"Temparament is the degree to which one resonds emotionally."
INTEREST:The individual normally has many interest in many ares.The to executives in many organization do not have interest in common.
CHARACTER:Character primarily means honesty,it is resistence to stealing and cheating others.Character is very imortant requirement for resonsible jobs. 
SCHEMA:It is an individual's belief,frame of reference ,percetion,and attitude which the individual posses towards the management,the job ,working conditions ,pay,fringe benifits,incentives systems and develoment programmes in the organization.
It depends upon the individuals belief towards religion ,government and cultural influences in his community.
MOTIVES:Motives are the inner derives of the individual .They present goal directed behaviour of the individual.


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